SALE! Take advantage of great discounts if you order now in bulk.
Available in:
1 pair = $30 ea2 Pairs -19 Pairs = $25 ea
20+ Pairs = $20 ea
The Focus Builder Laser Feedback Glasses are an excellent option to offer patients in need of laser guided gaze stability exercises or for the purpose of improving the cervical proprioceptive system and training the vestibular system. Laser-guided head and eye pursuits (aka X0) can be a very effective strategy to improve eye pursuits.
NOTE: The batteries are replaceable. You must remove the 2 small screws of the housing nearest to the power button. You will find 3 small #357 batteries to replace.
Use with our Laser Feedback Posters and the Halo Rejuvinator weighted headband. (Posters & Halo headband sold separately.)
Laser Feedback Glasses
We want you to be happy with your Focus Builder Laser Glasses. If you receive a defective item, please email us and we will be happy to get you a replacement at no charge. Our refund policy is good for 1 month from the date of purchase.
There is an additional charge for international shipping that will be invoiced seperately.